Posted on August 20, 2017 in Post-Op

Whether you just had a dramatic weight loss surgery or liposuction, it is important for you to maintain a healthy weight post-op to maintain and maximize your surgery results. After your surgery, you will want to pay close attention to your diet and exercise plan to make sure that your investment was worth it.
Eating a Balanced Diet
The key to maintaining a healthy weight and not causing dramatic gain or loss is eating a well-balanced diet. A well-balanced diet consists of the proper portions of each food group. In addition to balance, it is important that the source of your nutrients is from minimally processed foods and are not packed with trans-fat and sodium. Most patients can achieve this by preparing food ahead of time to ensure healthy eating and avoiding eating out too many times a week.
Stay Active
This one may seem like a huge obstacle to some but, it can be quite simple. Taking the time to walk more every day or implementing a workout plan into your week can help you to keep your weight stable along with a balanced diet. The addition of light exercise early on in recovery can also aid and accelerate the healing process after liposuction or a body lift.
Steer Clear of Bad Habits
This one may be obvious but the overuse of tobacco or alcohol can have an adverse effect on your waistline in addition to other areas of your health. Tobacco and nicotine have often been seen as an appetite suppressant, however, by starting you are creating both an addiction and an oral fixation. This oral fixation makes staying slim while quitting quite hard. Alcohol does not actually increase hunger but it does lower your inhibitions to make good food choices and many drinks contain high levels of carbs and sugars.
If you are need of more post procedure guidance, contact Dr. Ellen’s office today to schedule an appointment. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
The first step to any cosmetic procedure is a through consultation with a qualified and trusted professional. Schedule your consultation by filling out the form below or calling our Bloomfield Hills office.