Posted on June 18, 2021 in Uncategorized

Regardless of the reason for seeking this procedure, a mommy makeover is one of the most effective ways to transform your body and improve your confidence. This procedure is performed for new moms and empty-nesters alike. Mommy makeovers are combination surgical procedures that are customized to your unique goals and needs. Recovery after a mommy makeover can be extensive, so here’s what to know about it and tips on how you can make it go smoothly.
1. Don’t Hesitate To Consult Dr. Ellen
Your plastic surgeon is your partner in your transformation. As such, Dr. Ellen Janetzke will be there both physically and emotionally before, during, and after surgery to help you. If something doesn’t look or feel right at any time, make sure to ask.
Dr. Ellen will also teach you about taking care of dressings or drains you may have after surgery, as well as how to properly apply and wear compression garments, which medications to take or apply to the area, and other vital post-operative instructions. Be diligent with follow-up appointments and aftercare directions you’re given. This can help mitigate complications and also help you feel comfortable in your progress as you return to full strength and begin to enjoy your results.
2. Stop Smoking
When you’re planning your mommy makeover, Dr. Ellen will ask you to stop smoking for several weeks both before and after surgery. Smoking is detrimental to healing and causes numerous issues. It can weaken the immune system, reduce circulation, increase the chances of heart issues, and decrease oxygen levels.
Not smoking is one of the biggest ways you can ensure a smooth recovery and reduce the risk of complications. In fact, making a plan to quit ahead of your surgery can be a great opportunity to quit for good.
3. Eat Healthily
Eating a balanced, nutritious diet helps with recovery. After surgery, it’s important to get the nutrition that your body needs to heal itself. Eat foods that nourish your body including plenty of protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Make sure to drink enough water as well. Your body needs to stay hydrated to properly function and to eliminate waste products.
After surgery, you may look and feel bloated while you’re recovering. Don’t let that make you that think you need to restrict calories and go on a crash diet – in fact, these concerns will usually resolve themselves with some patience. It’s much more important to focus on foods that support healing and your overall health.
4. Let Your Body Guide You
One way you can sideline your progress in healing and recovery is to be impatient. Pushing your body too hard and too fast to get “back to normal” may backfire. If you feel pain when attempting a certain activity, that’s a good sign that your body is not ready to resume that activity.
Patience with yourself and your body will go a long way in making recovery smoother for you. Every person heals at a different pace. Comparing yourself to others and wondering why you’re not healed in the time frame they healed in will only make you feel worse. Take care of your body, listen to Dr. Ellen’s recommendations about what activities are safe for you, and don’t try to rush yourself.
Schedule a Consultation
The fear of an uncomfortable recovery is valid, but shouldn’t stand in the way of pursuing the dramatic, life-changing results of a mommy makeover procedure. To learn more about the mommy makeover process from start to fully healed, it’s best to hear it from the expert herself, Dr. Ellen Janetzke. Don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Ellen by calling our office in Bloomfield Hills, MI or by filling out our online contact form today.
The first step to any cosmetic procedure is a through consultation with a qualified and trusted professional. Schedule your consultation by filling out the form below or calling our Bloomfield Hills office.