Posted on September 28, 2018 in Blog

What Is A Neck Lift In Bloomfield Hills?
Appearance of loose skin, deep wrinkles, and flabby skin on neck are some of the most prominent signs of aging. When these symptoms start appearing, they can become a constant source of stress and unhappiness. Thankfully, a neck lift can help!
A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is an invasive surgical procedure created to tighten the muscles of the jawline and neck region by placing incisions behind the ears and under the chin. Excess tissue and skin are eliminated through the incisions under anesthesia or sedation.
Combining a neck lift with other cosmetic surgeries, like a chin lift, facelift, or liposuction refines the jowls, jawline, and cheek area. Definition to the lower face is permanently reinstated when a neck and cheek lift are combined with liposuction along the jawline to tauten and elevate the lax muscles. Various kinds of neck lift surgeries are offered by Dr. Ellen in Birmingham, MI to diminish the signs of aging.
Who can Benefit from a Neck Lift?
People with excessive fat deposits, prominent signs of aging, horizontal lines or bands on the neck, and loose hanging skin can often benefit from neck lift surgery. You are a potential candidate for neck lift if you desire treatment of saggy skin and fat deposits from the neck area, long for a smoother-looking neck with a defined jawline, and want to eliminate lines and folds around the neck.
How Long Is Recovery From A Neck Lift?
The downtime after a neck lift surgery involves a period of about two weeks, during which heavy activities should be avoided and the head should be kept in an elevated position. Your jaw, neck, and ears will be swelled and bruised for about 10 days, for which painkillers and antibiotics are recommended. Ice should not be used as it could hinder the blood flow to the healing region and excess pain should be reported to Dr. Ellen.
If you are considering undergoing neck lift surgeries in Bloomfield Hills, MI, then visit Dr. Ellen. She will guide and treat you in the best possible manner for the best results! Contact our office today!
The first step to any cosmetic procedure is a through consultation with a qualified and trusted professional. Schedule your consultation by filling out the form below or calling our Bloomfield Hills office.