Posted on July 28, 2018 in Blog

You’ve most likely heard of Botox as a miracle-worker but don’t know exactly what it does or how it works. There are many myths and tropes about Botox that you might encounter, but the truth is that Botox is highly useful both in cosmetic practices and medical ones. Here’s what you should know about Botox and its many uses.
How Does It Work?
Botox is often labeled as a neuromodulator, along with other brands like Dysport® or Xeomin®. This injectable is made from botulinum toxin type A. Botox is very safe and useful for blocking receptors in the muscles that receive movement signals from the brain. These effects are only temporary, though, and usually last around six months.
What Are Its Cosmetic Uses?
Botox is most popular in cosmetic practices due to its ability to prevent certain facial movements. These movements, like scrunching the brow or squinting, can cause wrinkles in the skin over time, especially as the face loses volume with aging. A Botox injection into the correct muscle can relax it and ‘freeze’ it in a position that leaves the skin smooth and unwrinkled. It’s most popularly used to treat forehead lines or crow’s feet around the eyes and offers the benefit of non-invasiveness for patients uninterested in or unable to undergo a surgical procedure like a facelift.
What Are Its Medical Uses?
Despite being more popular as a cosmetic treatment, Botox has a large array of benefits medically. Since it functions by preventing movement in certain muscles, it can be used to prevent things like muscle spasms or palsy. Unwanted muscle movements can cause many things, like migraines, cramps, stiffness, crossed or lazy eye, urinary incontinence, excessive sweating, or teeth grinding. There are many patients that can and do benefit from Botox despite its reputation as a wrinkle-fixer, and you might be surprised that Botox may be a treatment option for your condition.
You should always receive Botox from a licensed and experienced provider. Contact Dr. Ellen to discuss your options with Botox and create the best treatment plan for you.
The first step to any cosmetic procedure is a through consultation with a qualified and trusted professional. Schedule your consultation by filling out the form below or calling our Bloomfield Hills office.